Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
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1 Resultado de traducción para to dress en español


dress verb

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dressed, has dressed, is dressing, dresses
vestir; vestirse; decorar, adornar; preparar (pollo o pescado), aliñar (ensalada); curar, vendar (una herida)

Ejemplos de uso de
dress verb

  • They dressed themselves in a hurry.
  • He dressed the child in a snowsuit.
  • She showered, dressed, and ate breakfast.
  • She dressed warmly for skiing.
  • She is dressing for the opera.
  • They always dress for dinner.
  • The nurse dressed the cut on my knee.

Sinónimos de
dress verb

Traducción inversa para to dress

vestir  - to dress, to dress, to clothe, to look good, to suit the occasion, to wear, to decorate, to dress up 
vestirse  - to get dressed 
decorar  - to decorate, to adorn 
adornar  - to decorate, to adorn 
preparar  (pollo o pescado) - to prepare, to make ready, to teach, to train, to coach 
aliñar  (ensalada) - to dress (salad), to season 
curar  - to cure, to heal, to get well, to recover, to treat, to dress, to tan, to cure (meat) 
vendar  (una herida) - to bandage 
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